• Arts & Science College in Thoothukudi
  • 0461 2271868
  • caldwellcoll@yahoo.in

Counselling Cell


Counseling has been important seemingly an important feature since the dawn of society. From the family members to community leaders counseling proves to be an excellent providing guidance to residents. Counseling seems to have always been a natural part of the human experience. The counseling committee aims at helping students to reach their highest academic and personal potential. The counseling cell provides confidential atmosphere who can help with personal and learning problems. Students can discuss with their staff and will help them with their problems to develop confidence and help them to overcome with their difficulties.

The Counselling cell offers free counselling to students on individual or group basis. Counsellors and Psychiatrists frequently visit the college and clinical assistance is also provided on the need of the individual.

Counseling cell will essentially make difference in student’s lives and helps in making the career good for the individual.

Counselling Committee Members
Mrs. Gerlin Packkiyarani Chairman-Principal
Mrs.Vijila Dept. of Maths
Mrs.Dalsy Prema Dept. of Commerce
Mr.Vijayakumar Dept.of CS

Club Activities