• Arts & Science College in Thoothukudi
  • 0461 2271868
  • caldwellcoll@yahoo.in

Grievance Cell

Grievance Cell

Bishop Caldwell College is entrusted in providing a safe and harmonious learning and working environment to staff and students.. Grievance Redressal Cell jn Bishop Caldwell College is set up on par with the University Grants Commission regulations in dealing with grievances related to staff , students and parents. The grievances are assisted in the view of resolving the grievances impartially and are dealt confidentially. Any stakeholder with a genuine grievance may approach Grievance Redressal Cell to submit his/her grievance in writing or Contact at (bccgrieveance@gmail.com).

The function of the cell is

  • To create a platform for students where they can tell their problems regarding academic and non academic matters.
  • To get suggestions from stake holders for the improvement of the college
  • To take necessary steps for the improvement of grievance cell


  • Grievances from staff and students should be given in written form
  • All the complaints will be addressed in accordance with the UGC policy
  • Reports regarding the grievance will be given to the respective authority and in the case of pending or long term cases guidance will be sought from the higher authorities.
  • The students can drop in their requests to the grievance cell or put it in the drop box.
Grievance Committee Members
Dr.Christy Paulina Grievance cell officer
Dr.Ramani, Dept. of Maths
Ms.Elizabeth Dept. of Commerce
Ms.Divya Dept.of CS
Mr. J. Benet Rajadurai Dept. of Sociology

Club Activities